Cash Discount Program

Offset your credit card processing fees up to 99% with our cash discount program.

What is cash discount program?

It is a new USA governmental approved type of processing where business pass the cost of transactions back to the consumers or cardholders (credit or debit cards) This eliminates up to 90% of all processing fees and allow business to continue accepting credit or debit card in their establishments

Why can’t I just surcharge credit card payers with my merchant account?

When you signed up with your current processor, the agreement most likely does not allow to do that. However new laws have created opportunities to allow this by giving a discount to your cash paying consumers. Cash Discounting gives the opportunity to your customer to decide whether to pay the credit card fees or get a discount by cash. You will surprise how this is being accepted more often around the country.

What fees am I eliminating by charging cash discount?

Generally you will eliminate all processing fees, but the Equipment and Software Cost. So you are really eliminating about 90% of total monthly processing fees.

Can I switch my account back to typical processing?

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